Activity 1

The Story of Coffee      




Part (A)

Please watch the video closely and answer the questions beneath:

  1. Which country does the video show coffee production in? Can you name any other Countries where   Coffee is produced?
    2. How are the Coffee cherries collected?

    3. How can you distinguish between quality coffee beans and poor coffe beans?

    4.What happens the Coffee beans after they have been dried?

    5. How do the Co-ops place a price on Coffee?


The Producer v The Seller:

The Producers are  the people who grow the coffe cherries and and harvest the Coffee, while the Sellers are the people whe sell the Coffee to customers.

Using the video above In pairs I want you to decide which group of workers has@

1.      The most / least labour-intensive job.
2.      The best / worst environment to work in.
3.      The potential to earn the most / least.






Part (B)

For this part of the activity the class will be split into two groups, 1-Representing the Producer
, 2- Representing the Seller

What ever group that your are in, your task is as follows:

-Using a Digital Camcorder you and your group must pretend yous are a Farmer or Retailer in the Coffee Business and  record yourselves stating as many reasons as you cant think of:

- of why you feel you should earn the largest proportion of the profit through the Sale of Coffee?

The teacher will then playback the clips of the Producers arguments and the Sellers arguments on the Interactive whiteboard.

As a whole class you must decide which group is most worthy of the largest profit.


Here are two useful websites to learn more about Coffeeand fairtrade: