Thursday, December 9, 2010


This is a blog which has been set up for your learning of the topic of fair trade.Over the next few weeks you will gain a good understanding of fair trade and you will be aware of and research aspects of it both in the wider and local world.We will look at the story of Chocolate and Coffee which are two main goods that linked to the need for fair trade. I have included some questions, website links, and videos for you to learn more about fair trade. All the content will be spread over for activities that I have designed for you and your classmates. Enjoy.

Below is a video which looks at how trade occurs around the world, this will help give you a foundation for how products are exported and imported.

Homework activity:

To highlight the importance of World trade, I would like you to bring in one object from your house which was made in a different country, this can be a type of food, an item of clothing, a toy etc. We will then plot the points on the world map showing the origin of the object/item. We will discuss what Countries appear most frequent and will discuss what type of country it may be, i.e third world, developed, underdeveloped.