We all love to eat choclate occasionally and it can be in the form of many things including: choloalte bars, sweets, cholate easter eggs, chocolate icecream etc.
However do you know much about it!
Part (A):
Getting into pairs I would like you to research the and aswer the following questions on a recording sheets. You may research the useful links and watch the video below to assist your understanding.
- What Countries grow cocoa beans?
- How are the cocoa beans turned into chocoalte as we know it?
- What factors influence difference in chocolate appearance and taste
- Do the farmers who harvest the cocoa beans get a fair wage?
- Do you think Chocolate companies make a lot of money?
- Can you name five big chocolate manufacturing companies?
- Stories on how Farmers benifit from fair trade- Focus on "Kuapa Kokoo"(Ghanian for "good cocoa farmer")
- Information about all aspect of Chocolate and its production cycle
- Information on the Countries that produce Chocolate and the global factors that influence it's taste!
Cadburys and fair trade??
Cadbury is a massive chocolate Company who have, as of 2009 developed a fairtrade policy to ensure that third world farmers who produce the Cocoa beans are rewarded with a fair wage. Their partnership is with farmers in Ghana which is located in Northwest Africa.
Could you answer the following questions;
1.Why do you think companies like Cadbury have decided to switch to fair-trade?
2.Does this link with fair-trade bring any significant benefits / disadvantages to these companies?
3. How do you think this has affected the producers and their communities?
The Following website links may help:
I would like you to wtach the below video. It shows a recent cadbury fairtrade advertisement.I want you take note of the images, the rhythm of the music and the various beats and jingles to it.I then have a task for you which follows from it:
Your task:
In groups of 4-5 I want you to create and advertisement for you own "NEW" brand of fair trade chocalate. You can use the percussion instruments in the class to create a simple jingle to accompany this, You might think of a slogan for the advertisement and also may include a piece of acting in the advertisement.